Ukraine is going through a difficult time, and therefore the topic of the influence of military actions on the protected areas is extraordinary, since the war has negative consequences for nature: pollution by explosive objects (mines, unexploded shells, etc.), fortification construction, damage to current grounds and vegetation by explosions, military transport, forest and steppe fires etc. Donetsk region is exactly that part of Ukraine, where almost all the first nature reserves were organized at the beginning of the 20th century. Unique natural sights and endemic habitats have long been attracted the attention of scientists and conservationists. However, currently some of them have been and continue to be negatively affected by the war of 2014 and until now. The study of the impact of military actions on the protected territories of the Donetsk region was carried out based on the analysis of cartographic sources – the status of nature conservation territories was determined by dividing the objects into 4 groups: fully occupied, partially liberated, liberated and not occupied. The area of the territory that accurately indicates the damage was calculated (according to the area of occupied objects of the nature reserve fund). The partial impact on some protected areas of Donetsk region was characterized and the main causes of the impact of the war on natural objects were determined, namely shelling, shell explosions and caused fires. Also the impact of military operations depicted on satellite images was studied, using the case territory of the branch of Chalk Flora Nature Reserve, Holy Mountains National Nature Park and "Donetsk Ridge" Regional Landscape Park.
Keywords: The war, hostilities, conservation areas, nature reserve fund, Donetsk region
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