ISSN 0868-6939 (print)
logoPhysical Geography and Geomorphology
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Phys. Geog. Geom. 2023, 46(1): 18–27
Research Papers

International systems of classification of land cover and land use: features and prospects of use in landscape research

Liubov Tymuliak

The purpose of the paper is to review the international systems of classification of land cover and land use, which are most often used in landscape or related research in Ukraine – CORINE, LUCAS, EUNIS, LCCS, GlobeLand 30; to identify those features of each of the systems that may become a priority in landscape studies in different areas. Applying general scientific methods of cognition (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization, comparative), methodological and technical manuals representing the classification systems of land cover and land use have been studied. Domestic and foreign papers on landscape, ecology, cartography, in which the systems are used for solving applied tasks have also been examined. The use of one of the developed classification systems in a particular study depends on its purpose, scale, source data and details of field observation materials. Special attention is paid to the use of land cover maps to identify changes occurring within landscapes over a period of time. Classification systems, in the nomenclature of classes of which land use categories predominate, can be basic for works in the field of anthropogenic landscape science, and in the genetic field, the key categories of classification systems are categories of land cover. For recent research, the base is the map of landscape complexes, the rank of which depends on the scale of mapping the area. Field research also retains its decisive role. The use of land cover classification systems, which include field surveys, such as LUCAS and EUNIS, logically fits into large-scale research.

Keywords: LCCS, CORINE, LUCAS, EUNIS, GlobeLand 30, anthropogenic landscape science, genetic (classical) landscape science

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